Friday, April 15, 2011

A Memory in Waiting...

There is no better place to observe the elderly than in the waiting room between the dermatology and ophthalmology offices. Now, if you are thinking that I voluntarily came to a medical office to sit in a waiting room for the purpose of observing the elderly and aging, I did not. I am here against my will, at the hands of the sun from my tanning days! 
While sitting here, I am encouraged by the quality of people who are caring for their elderly parents, grandparents, patients, etc. So far, I have seen a young man escorting his blind grandfather, a home nurse serving as an arm crutch for her patient, and a woman, obviously exhausted, but smiling while holding her mother's hand as they take very slow steps from the elevator to a seat near the doctor's office door. Like I said, I am encouraged by the quality of people and the sacrifices they are making to care for the ones they love. 
How great it would be for them to have a video memory of the wonderful stories they are hearing every day. How great it would be for them to have a visual memory of the reasons they put so much effort into caring for their parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles. It's a fabulous thing when we can help others; even more fabulous when we can help those we love. 

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