Sunday, June 12, 2011

Bringing Stories Back...

I just started reading this book by Randy Frazee and his opening paragraphs are synonymous with the ideas that led Memens to develop a video documentary mission. 
Randy writes: 
“Before the rise of the printing press in the sixteenth century, stories were passed down orally. The older people in a community shared the important stories of the history - all the principles and values of life woven within these gripping narratives. They shared these stories with each other, and with the next generation. It was part of their culture...their lives.
For the past few centuries, though, our communication primarily has been written - people sitting alone with a book open on their lap. 
Now however, with the explosive rise of technology (TV, movies, YouTube, and other visual communication tools), the world is returning to pictures and stories. We are once again becoming an oral culture. Indeed, many people learn best by hearing and telling stories.” 
I could hardly believe I was reading what we’ve been discussing for months.  A reverberating Yes! Totally! It makes sense! - were streaming through my mind. It’s so true. I’d like to add, under the “other visual communication tools”, videography, which is our focus at Memens. Through videography, we can capture the stories of our returning oral culture. Furthermore, with videography and documentaries, we can enhance oral culture by making the captured stories available as a primary source of communication for decades to come. 

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